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Greetings from Tennessee

Former MK goalkeeper on her way in the USA
Calais Butts (OMK 2021-2023)
Calais Butts (OMK 2021-2023)

In recent years, many of our pupils have gone off to universities across the United States after leaving Mount Kelly.  One of our newest leavers and star goalkeeper, Calais Butts, is one of them. She has been in touch to share a little about how it is all going:

"So far, Tennessee has been an incredible experience and an amazing stepping stone from Mount Kelly. In terms of academics, it has been going well as a result of my prior knowledge from my Psychology A level. Middle Tennessee State provides a lot of support to psychology students by hosting multiple talks from researchers in the field and by having very experienced professors.  The football has been super challenging but equally as enjoyable – especially without all the cold and rainy days. I have loved meeting and getting to know all of the other internationals on my team. Most notably I have started learning Swedish thanks to my roommate! 

However, none of this could be possible without the experience of Mount Kelly. There is not a day that goes by where I am not forever thankful for my experience in Tavistock. I am grateful for the amazing teachers and staff that supported me. Most of all, I miss my friends and all the silly things we did."



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